NZPB August 2022
The August edition of NZPB has been released, and although unintended, there is a theme running through the magazine. In four columns, written by four different people, there is a strong thread of where we are, what we’re doing with what we have, where we want to be, and what we need to do to get there. Its about acknowledging our current state, making the most of our current position, strategically planning our next move, and making sure we plan to progress in a sustainable manner, to ensure longevity.
- Sandy Geyer interviews key stakeholders of Auckland & District Pipe band about the formation of a No.2 band
- Nicole Ecklein writes on the ensuring a sustainable future for your band, with opinions from a variety of pipe band folk in NZ.
- We introduce you to The Wheeled Piper, Katie Robertson. An inspirational story about courage, determination, tenacity and persistence.
- We farewell a legend of the NZ scene – Barry Brougham.
Plus regular features:
- Editors ramblings
- News from the RNZPBA Board and Management Groups
- A summary of happenings from the regions
- Calendar of events

Introducing the inspiration that is, Katie Robertson.

Farewell to a legend. Barry Brougham.
Domestic: $25 per four issues.
Australia/Pacific Isles: $35 per four issues.
Elsewhere: $45 per four issues.
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