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NZPB May edition hits the streets!

The May edition of NZPB is typically focused on the season just ended, and of course a full run-down on the NZ Pipe Band Championships. This year, as you know, the contest didn’t go ahead, and there was very little other activity around the country. This provided a challenge putting the magazine together, but we found plenty of general interest content to fill the pages

  • Brian Coutts of Dunedin recently retired as Otago Centre president, so we took the opportunity to record his life in pipe bands
  • Liam Kernaghan presents a piece on respecting the culture and protecting the brand
  • How successful are our education programmes?  Courtney Williamson discusses this with recent participants.

Plus regular features:

  • Editors ramblings
  • News from the RNZPBA Board and Management Groups
  • A summary of happenings from the regions
  • Calendar of events

Brian Coutts discusses his life in Pipe Bands.

Liam Kernaghan on respecting culture and protecting the brand.

Domestic: $25 per four issues.
Australia/Pacific Isles: $35 per four issues.
Elsewhere: $45 per four issues.

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