New Look! Same Great Content!
The RNZPBA Digital Group is delighted to be part of the new brand launch, and very pleased to have NZPB magazine the first reveal.
When looking back over the last two decades of the mag, it becomes increasingly obvious that we, despite doing the best we knew, were very much in the amateur league. Indeed, we’ve had great content, but our knowledge of design and presentation has been limited at best, and we have been reminded of this on occasion, yet few who have critiqued have offered a solution. And not forgetting too that we have produced the magazine as volunteers. Relying on those who give freely of their time has it’s advantages, but there are degrees of compromise that in some instances, need to be recognised and accepted.
Since the first series which ran from 1956 to 1958 by editor Peter Wilkinson, titled “The New Zealand Pipebandsman”, we’ve seen a move from A5 sized booklets, a format retained by the second series produced by Brian Coutts of Dunedin from 1983, often referred to as “the wee blue book”, but from 1990, with Phil Mair at the helm, moved to the A4 format, where it has remained since. It is worth noting here that of all magazines produced by the Association since 1956, the current team has been responsible for more than half of them, or 20 years of the 40 in which a magazine has been published.
The day is fast approaching when the magazine will become an online presence only. This has been in the RNZPBA Annual Plan for a while, but on the back burner during the development of the updated look. The new platform will give us options that haven’t been available to us until now, so watch for development in this area over coming months. This needs to happen, as the cost of producing the physical magazine out-strips the revenue earned. For many, the inevitable loss of the printed mag will be a sad day. I can’t emphasis enough how much we value the advertisers who have stayed with us and supported as over the past few years. These people and organisations have shown immense loyalty to the cause and have been part of a very satisfying element of the pipe band movement in New Zealand.
So here we are – the next incarnation. With the mastery of Art Director Robert du Toit, the magazine has experienced a rebirth, and is a strong statement in support of the new branding. This is the new US, the new WE, the new collective.
Sometimes, a leopard can indeed change its spots. We implore our membership to rise to the new presence, and be part of the rebirth, for I personally believe, this is the new dawn.
In the November magazine:
- The Wizard exposed – Sandy Geyer interviews RNZPBA Art Director Robert du Toit.
- The Rusbatch Legacy – Near 40 years with four stripes, but more to the story than meets the eye.
- All in the Timing – Scott Birrell’s decision making set his course.
- President Iain Blakeley – Insights extracted by Nicole Ecklein.
- Longevity at Kapiti Coast PB.
- Brand New. Into the future, respecting the past.
- Pitlochry Highland Games puts up the money
Plus all our regular features:
- Editor’s ramblings
- InTune – message from the Board and Management Groups
- Regional Roundup
- Calendar of events

Domestic: $25 per four issues.
Australia/Pacific Isles: $35 per four issues.
Elsewhere: $45 per four issues.
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