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Life Member, Former National President, Centre President, Board Member and National Contest Supervisor John (“Jock”) McQuarrie

I want to begin by acknowledging the passing of John McQuarrie. Jock, as he was known to us all, was larger than life, in stature and personality. He preceded me as President of the Association and I was very fortunate to have his wise advice and example to follow as I found my feet on the board.

Jock was awarded life membership of the Association in 1999 for his contribution to New Zealand pipe bands, a contribution that continued for many years after that as National Contest Supervisor, Board Member and of course National President.

There was no doubting his booming voice, nor his absolute passion for pipe bands and desire to help them.

It was a privilege to know Jock and spend some time with him. Thank you Jock for your years of dedication and service to bands.


Young pipers and drummers doings representing the best of New Zealand abroad

The National Youth Pipe Band returned from Canada in July. More will be written about their trip elsewhere, but I would like to acknowledge the wonderful young musicians in the band who carried themselves and represented our country with dignity, humility, courage and confidence. They are all exceptional young people and I’ve had nothing but positive feedback about how they acquitted themselves during the trip. Many of these band members will be leaders within our community in the future, which, by all accounts appears to be in extremely good hands.

The success of the Youth Band’s tour to Canada is also due to the exceptionally hard work put in by Geoff Halberg, Kim Eagle, Alasdair MacKenzie, Adam Alexander, Tiffany Gilchrist, Davey Welsh and Wharekahika Clarke before and during the tour. Thank you all on behalf of all bands in the Association. Thanks also to the many many people who helped get the band to Canada, including the numerous individuals who arranged fundraising or personally contributed. It was a mammoth exercise, one that at times we seriously thought would not succeed, but thanks to the tenacity of everyone involved we got there.

I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the many kiwi pipers and drummers overseas this time of year participating in solo and band competitions and performing in other events. There are too many to name here, but I would like to give a particular shout out to Liam Kernaghan, fellow board member, who has had success at solo piping competitions in France and Scotland this year. Well done Liam. I have no idea where you find the time to do all you do for the Association as well as do your day job, let alone maintain the highest of standards needed to win prizes in solo piping overseas.

The Association needs more fuel in its tank

There is a lot going on within the Association, and with more people, there is no limit to what we could achieve. We are only constrained by money and people. We know where to head and have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t, although fresh thinking is always welcome.

If you have technology, communication, administrative, media, fundraising, project management, risk management, governance, education and event management skills, then please get in touch. Email any of the board members,,, and we’d love to hear more about your story and work out where you could fit. We’d love to have you on board.


– Iain

2025 National Championships Invercargill

Planning is going well for the 2025 National Championships, and band entries will open in September – closing 7 November 2024. The Organising Committee is well advanced with bookings and finalising details on the venue, grounds and council requirements. As at the 2020 Invercargill Nationals, the Committee has secured the Southland Cricket grounds at Queens Park. The Street March will be held on Saturday morning in the Town Centre with a static mass band performance at the conclusion.

Watch for newsletters coming from Invercargill, which will include event and contact information, plus details on merchandise and other details.    You can also follow progress on Facebook – search for “2025 New Zealand Pipe Band Championships”.

If you are after tent hire or bus transport contacts for the event, please get in touch with the Organising Committee at the following email addresses:

  1. Tent Hire –
  2. Bus Transport –
  3. Accommodation – cell # 0275 610 336


2026 National Championships Taranaki

The organisers of the 2026 contest in Taranaki are fired-up, and have already secured the venue.  It’s early days yet, but the committee will be releasing newsletters as things progress,  so watch this space. The Committee has also secured some substantial grants for the event which is very encouraging at this early stage.


Important Dates for your Calendar

  • Band Entries for the 2025 Nationals will open in September, and close  7 November 2024.
  • Playing Up Applications:  Eligible band officers need to be appointed by the end of September and applications submitted by 7 November 2024
  • NZ Pipe Band Championships 2025 – Invercargill: 8 and 9 March 2025 in Queens Park
  • NZ Pipe Band Championships 2026 – Taranaki: 20 and 21 March 2026 at TET Stadium

– Mark Wilson, Jill Vincent, Brian Switalla, Rod Miller

Summer School 2025

We are excited to announce the 2025 Summer School will take place in Wellington at Scots College from  8 to  12 January.

We have secured a duo from Field Marshal Montgomery with both Pipe Sergent Matt Wilson and Lead Drummer Gareth McLees as our international tutors.

Alongside the internationals, we will also have an excellent line-up of New Zealand tutors available for the week.

Summer School registrations will be opening soon – be sure to get in quick to secure your place!

If you have any questions regarding the 2025 Summer School, please contact


Mentor Program

The 2024/25 Mentor Program is in full swing and congratulations to all successful bands that applied for a mentor this year.

The Mentor programme is open to all RNZPBA registered bands, and we are able to cater to bands at every level.

Mentors can be assigned or requested by bands, and we can provide mentors for a number of areas fincluding piping, drumming (snare, bass section) ensemble, band management, planning a teaching programmes etc..

The Mentor program has replaced the old Travelling Tutor program and we believe this is now more suited to helping band leaders, with the aim of giving guidance by either attending band rehearsals or via video conference/ phone calls etc., with these leaders.

Mentor program application close 31 Dec each year with successful bands being advised shortly thereafter, and the programme runs from 1 April until 31 March the following year.

For more information regarding the Mentor Program or if you would like to be considered as a mentor contact

– Geoff