Changes to RNZPBA Contest (and other) Rules are promoted through the annual Remit process, which allows a member band, Board member or Management Group leader, to propose changes to rules. Band remits require local Centre endorsement to qualify.
Remits are circulated to members, then discussed in an open forum via conference or online webinar, during which, changes to remits can be suggested to the proposer before final submission and voting. For a remit to be successful, a two thirds majority of votes is required
This year there are four remits proposed, one each for changes to the Drum Majors championship and notification of music changes for MSR competition at national contests, and two proposals for changes to the “playing-up” dispensation rules.
Voting closes 30 November each year, and outcomes are advised by 14 December and posted online. Where applicable, changes come into effect at the next national contest.
For 2021 the remit outcomes are:
Remit 1: Drum Majors Championship: Passed
Remit 2: Tunes submitted for the MSR all grades: Passed
Remit 3: Increasing the number pipers allowed to “play up” to a higher grade: Unsuccessful
Remit 4: Refining the “playing up”: rule: Unsuccessful