Contact Person: Lawrence Stephenson
Position/title: Band Secretary
Phone: (+64) 22 076 8505
Email: fernandthistle21@gmail.com
Facebook: Fern and Thistle
Month of AGM: March
Band Practices: Thursday 6:30 – 9pm Brass Bandrooms, Park Rd, Masterton
Piping Enquiries: Louisa Slack, Pipe Major
Drumming Enquiries: Hunter Neilsen, Drum Sergeant
Parades Enquiries: Lawrence Stephenson, Band Secretary
Tartan: Hunting Maclean
There has been a highland pipe band based in the Wairarapa for over 60 years.
During this time the band has focused on providing the Wairarapa community the opportunity to hear and enjoy the sound of highland pipes and drums. The band supports community events such as local Christmas and ANZAC parades.
The Wairarapa Fern and Thistle Pipe Band has enjoyed the support of multi- generations of local individuals and families. A Scottish background is not the only perquisite for being involved with the band members coming from a range of backgrounds.
Currently the band is led by Pipe Major Louisa Slack and Drum Sergeant Hunter Neilson, both Wairarapa locals. The band has active links with nearby bands and is currently planning a second annual joint concert with Wellington City Pipe Band.
Members live across the Wairarapa and meet weekly on Thursdays in Masterton to rehearse and practice.