Contact Person: David Wohlers
Position/title: Secretary
Mobile: (+64) 27 438 7741
Email: daveanchelle@gmail.com
Month of AGM: August
Band Practices: At Waimatuku Hall Every Wednesday at 8 pm
Tartan: McPherson
The Waimatuku Southern Scenic HPB was formed in 1934 by a group of locals with a common interest in pipe band music.
Waimatuku is a rural area, 24 kms west of Invercargill on the Southern Scenic Route. Waimatuku has a church, garage and a hall and it is in this hall that the Band members meet every Wednesday evening to practice.
The Band wears the McPherson Tartan and is ably led by Pipe Major Bruce Rodgerserv Gunn.
The experience and age of Band members varies from secondary school students to those with more than fifty years of involvement.
Waimatuku is very much a community focused pipe band and enjoys wide popularity, and supports numerous events across Southland including:
Anzac Day Parades in Western Southland, Christmas and other festival parades, Provincial A & P Shows, weddings, funerals and charity Events.