Contact Person: Josh Montgomerie
Position/title: Pipe Major/Secretary
Mobile: (+64) 21 164 5297
Email: info@papakurapipeband.co.nz
Website: www.papakurapipeband.co.nz’
Month of AGM: May
Band Practices: Papakura Pipe Band Hall
11a Opaheke Road, Papakura
Tuesday 5:00pm-7:30pm (Academy)
Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm (Development band)
Tuesday 7:30pm-9:30pm (Main band)
The Youth Band practices on the first Tuesday of the month
Piping Enquiries: Josh Montgomerie (+64) 21 164 5297
Drumming Enquiries: Ryan Marsich (+64) 27 224 4918
Parades Enquiries: Josh Montgomerie
Tartan: Gordon
Facebook: http://facebook.com/papakurapipeband
Pipe Major: Josh Montgomerie – member for 16~ years, used to play in several heavy metal bands and is an avid homebrewer and Highlanders supporter.
Pipe Sergeant: Stew Lane – member for longer than Josh, also plays the didgeridoo when called upon.
Drum Major: Ross O’Halloran – country farmer from Te Kuiti. Ross supplies Josh with his farm grown hops for Josh’s homebrew. Their most recent colab was called “The Wild Te Kuiti Pale Ale”, as the type of hops are unknown. Ross’ wife, Susan, also plays tenor for the band.
Drum Sergeant: Ryan Marsich – also playing with NZ Police Pipe Band.
We host an annual Ceilidh, Whisky Tasting, Drum Solo Contest and a Mini-Band Contest.
Jim is our oldest competing member at 81 years old. He’s currently band President, a life member and previous Pipe Major.
All of our drum harnesses have been given unique names – just ask the drummers for which one is which!
We have a side-project band called the Barnstormers, consisting of band members, which play at local Ceilidhs.