Contact Person: Kerry Marshall
Position/title: Treasurer
Phone: (+64) 21 1076428
Email: secretary@napierpipeband.nz
Website: http://www.napierpipeband.nz
Month of AGM June
Band Practices: Monday Night 7pm
Piping Enquiries: Richard Loan
Drumming Enquiries Alan Lawton
Parades Enquiries Neville Lumb
Tartan: McLean, Leslie
The Napier Pipe Band arises from the amalgamation Napier’s two pipe bands, the Drones And Sticks and the City of Napier, in 2015. The Drones and Sticks PB was formed in February 1999 after a group of keen people got together and decided they wanted to put their talents to good use for the pipe band movement while the City of Napier Pipe Band can trace its history back to the late 1890’s. The merger of the two bands has seen us develop a special organisation.
Our vision is to be a musically competent pipe band, responsive to members’ aspirations and respected in the community
We have developed a varied playing repertoire including a concert format that is very popular with supporters and the public. Such is the support for Napier’s Pipe Band that we have a schedule of parades that keeps our playing members busy throughout the year.