Contact Person: Philip Watson
Position/title: Secretary
Mobile: (+64) 21 866 470
Email: secretary@metroscottish.org.nz
Website: www.scottishsocietyofnz.com
Month of AGM: May
Band Practices: 94 Falsgrave Street, Waltham, Christchurch 8011
Piping Enquiries: Iain Braithwaite (+64) 27 766 3562
Drumming Enquiries: Nathan Harris (+64) 27 248 8900
Parades Enquiries: Iain Braithwaite (+64) 27 766 3562
Tartan: Ancient Gordon
Metro Scottish Pipe Band was originally founded in 1952 as The Christchurch Metropolitan Highland Pipe Band.
They are based in Waltham, Christchurch, and have around 35 members, ranging in age from learners under 12 through to those with more life experience, in the 60-ish bracket.
There is a long history of playing at community events such as ANZAC Day and Christmas parades, and the band even performed at the celebration of Prime Minister Norman Kirk’s election in 1972.
The membership has fluctuated over the decades, and the band has previously competed all the way up to Grade 1.
After being on hiatus for the last few years, the band has grown during the 2022-23 competition season with members joining from the Scottish Society of New Zealand Pipe Band. This has allowed the formation of 2 bands, in Grades 2 and 4A.
Grade 2 Band
The Grade 2 band is led by Pipe Major James Bissland and Drum Sergeant Mark Weir.
The band is in a rebuild phase at present and is encouraging players both experienced and new to come and join the fun. We have some excellent teachers and mentors on board and the most enthusiastic management committee to run the band.
Our main focus is on teaching people to play their instruments in a quality way, thus improving the level of the band.
Grade 4A Band
The band is under the leadership of Pipe Major Iain Braithwaite and Drum Sergeant Nathan Harris.
This band is a platform for the development of players who wish to advance to Grade 2, and a solid platform for those not seeking the pressure of the Grade 2 environment but still keen to compete.
As The Scottish Society of New Zealand Pipe Band, these players competed at their first National Championship in 2019, coming third in grade 4B, then winning the grade in 2020 and being promoted to grade 4A.
Recently they have won the Grade 4 drumming trophy at the Canterbury Centre contest for the third time in a row.