Contact Person: Claire Ross
Position/title: Secretary
Mobile: (+64) 21 0220 6298
Email: mcalpinespb@xtra.co.nz
Website: http://www.mcalpinespb.co.nz
Month of AGM: May
Band Practices: Rangiora, Tuesday 7.30pm
Piping Enquiries: Graeme Rusbatch
Drumming Enquiries: Graeme Rusbatch
Parades Enquiries: Graeme Rusbatch
Tartan: MacAlpine
This band has had an uninterrupted history of involvement in North Canterbury for almost 100 years and has the unique position in the pipe band world of having had the very same sponsor for the last 45 years.
We proudly wear the McAlpines tartan to show our respect and gratitude to our staunch and steadfast sponsor.
The band is based in Rangiora, a small satellite town in the midst of a rural area, and it is one of the most active bands in supporting its local communities; from leading the Grand Parade in all the A&P Shows, to Christmas Parades, bridge openings, rest home performances and other spontaneous events.
If there is a gathering of 50 people, chances are the band will be there – no show without Punch!
Anzac Day is a very significant day, with members of the band playing and honouring nine different services in the one day, plus of course, making sure we support the Rangiora RSA, which is another big contributor to our funds.
Conroy’s Removals also support the band by ensuring all our equipment gets safely to each contest venue.
Very few (if any other) small-town bands such as ours still compete at band contests throughout the year. It is a source of great pride that our same line up of local players competes nationally and entertains locally, showing the commitment and tenacity of our long-time community members, however we always welcome learners and players who want to come back into the pipe band community.
We have 3 life members still playing in the band.
This is the one band that has steadfastly supports the concept of the Marching Display to entertain the public at National & Centre Contests – these days we are the only band in the event.