Contact Person: Janine Cruickshank
Position/title: Secretary
Phone: (+64) 27 516 0872
Email: janinecruickshank@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.invercargillpipeband.org.nz
Facebook: ILT City of Invercargill Highland Pipe Band
Month of AGM: May
Band Practices: G3 Monday 7pm. G1 Tuesday 7pm. Band Hall Elles Road
Piping Enquiries: Ali Mackenzie (+64) 27 3913737
Drumming Enquiries: Adam McCullom (+64) 27 251 1905
Parades Enquiries: Janine Cruickshank
Tartan: Pipers: Royal Stewart, Drummers: Black Watch
The Invercargill Band is the oldest civilian pipe band in the Southern Hemisphere and has had a continuous history since 1896 recently celebrating 125 years of pipe banding in the deep South in 2022.
While the club has multiple bands competing in different grades the organisation runs as one band, no one band more important than another, which builds a great culture.
Ali Mackenzie is Pipe Major of the G1 band but presides over all grades and has a big influence on each one’s structure, what they play and how they play. Ali also guests with the G1 Inveraray and Districts pipe band each year and has now won two world championships and four champion of champion titles playing with them. Inveraray were the 2019 G1 world champions. He previously had a long tenue playing with Scottish Power.
Adam McCollum fills a similar role to Ali in that he is Drum Sergeant of the Grade 1 band but presides over all the Invercargill grade drum corps. “Adam is a two- time world champion as a member of the G1 Northern Irish, Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band. He won his most recent world title in 2022, as well as lifting the Champion of Champions 2022 title.”
Ali was recently appointed to a senior role with the reformed RNZPBA National Youth Pipe Band (formerly known as the Foundation NZ Youth Pipe Band). Ali is overall head of the band as Musical Director