Contact Person: Tomasina Antunovich
Position/title: Secretary
Phone: (+64) 27 541 7770
Email: info@hamiltoncaledonianpipeband.org.nz
Website: Hamilton Caledonian Society
Month of AGM: June
Practices: All bands practice at our Band Hall 86 High St Frankton Hamilton. #1 Band Wednesday’s 7.00 pm. #2 Band Wednesday 5.30pm
Piping Enquiries: Meleana Eade (+64) 21 171 9911
Drumming Enquiries: Gemma Pullan (+64) 22 131 5644
Parade Enquiries: Meleana Eade (+64) 21 171 9911
Tartan: MacLennan
Other: Facebook
The Hamilton Caledonian Society has 4 bands running under the one organisation.
Hamilton Caledonian #1
The Hamilton Caledonian #1 Pipe Band is led by Pipe Major Meleana Eade and Drum Sergeant Tim Dent. After winning Grade 4 at the 2017 Nelson Nationals and then Grade 3. Over time, with membership loss affecting the band, it merged with the #2 band and competed in Grade 4A. The band won Grade 4A at the 2024 nationals, and has subsequently been promoted back to Grade 3
Thanks to the bands dedication to teaching and succession planning there is a healthy growth rate of young pipers and drummers coming up through the Development Pipe Band.
Hamilton Caledonian Society’s Development Pipe Band
The Hamilton Caledonian Society’s Development Pipe Band comprises a mixture of younger pipers and drummers and older, returning players. The Development Band provides the Cale’s with a grassroots program of piping and drumming development.
Led by Pipe Major Brendon Eade and Drum Sergeant Todd Harper, this band has a highly experienced musical leadership team which ensures a healthy, long-term local pipe band scene in the Hamilton district.
Lewis Turrell Memorial Trust Juvenile Pipe Band A
The Lewis Turrell Memorial Trust Juvenile Pipe Band was formed by the LTMT in memorial of the late Lewis Turrell, one of the most renowned pipers NZ has produced. They first competed at the 2018 Rotorua Nationals.
Their numbers continue to grow, and this year the band is privileged enough to put forward two juvenile bands. The A band have a number of experienced pipers and drummers who will be competing at the 2021 Hawke’s Bay Nationals as juveniles for the last time.
The band boasts no less than 8 current members of the National Youth Pipe Band of NZ. The band will also be defending its title of 2019 Square Day Juvenile Champions.
Lewis Turrell Memorial Trust Juvenile Pipe Band B
The Lewis Turrell Memorial Trust Juvenile Pipe Band was formed by the LTMT in memorial of the late Lewis Turrell, one of the most renowned pipers NZ has produced. This year the Trust is privileged to be able to put two juvenile bands onto the circle.
The B band comprises of several pipers and drummers of whom are in the very early stages of their band careers. This will be the first Nationals for the majority of this band.