The New Zealand Pipe Band Foundation was formed in 1981 from an idea of the late Bob Scott and several other prominent members of the New Zealand Pipe Band world. Families of long-serving band members were donating trophies to commemorate and perpetuate their names and the contribution they made. However, the trophy cabinet was becoming overcrowded and so the suggestion was made that the funds be re-directed to a Foundation which would, by various means, record for all time the names of those worthy of such recognition, and, in the process, the pipe band fraternity of New Zealand benefits.
The main objective of the Foundation is “to give financial support to the RNZPBA, its members and kindred or associated organisations, for the promotion and fostering of pipe bands and their music throughout New Zealand”. A most commendable goal.
Currently, the Foundation provides financial assistance to NZ pipe bands in the following ways:
- RNZPBA Summer School Scholarships
- Foundation Contest Judges (National and Centre)
- NZ Championships Contest Committee grant
- Miscellaneous grants
Become a Member
For further information on the Foundation’s activities, please contact,
The Secretary, Claire Ross

How is the Foundation managed?
The Foundation is registered as a Charitable Trust which ensures donations qualify for a tax rebate for the donors.
The Foundation is directed by a Board which is made up of six members. Three are appointed by the RNZPBA and three are elected annually by Foundation Members.
The currently appointed members are Jill Vincent QSM, Phil Mair and Ben McLaughlin. The current elected members are Alistair Pratt, Margarette Marshall and Rod Miller (Chair). Claire Ross is Secretary. The Foundation holds its AGM in July.
Foundation Contest Judges
This is a very successful initiative of the Foundation. It provides financial assistance to contest organizers to bring in visiting Judges. With the costs of running contests ever-escalating, the expense of bringing in out of town judges can be prohibitive. By providing assistance with costs, the Foundation can enable the expertise and experience of top judges to be enjoyed by all competing bands, no matter the level or location.
Where does the Foundation get it's funding?
The Foundation’s funding is derived almost exclusively from membership donations. Funds are invested with the returns used to support Foundation activities.
How can I help the Foundation help the pipe band community?
Because the Foundation relies on donations to function, your support is required for the important work of the Foundation continue and grow.
A donation of $250 (minimum) entitles the donor to Full Membership for life, with full privileges. A donation of $100 entitles the donor to Associate Membership, but does not confer voting rights. Of course donations of any kind, including commemorative contributions are always gratefully received.