Contact Person: Sam Coutts
Position/title: President
Phone: (+64) 27 201 1222
Email: president@codpb.org.nz
Website: https://www.codpb.org.nz
Band Practices: 39 Serpentine Avenue, Dunedin | Youth – Tuesdays from 5:30 PM and All Band – Wednesdays from 7:30 PM
Piping Enquiries: Murray Tannock (pipemajor@codpb.org.nz)
Drumming Enquiries: Sam Coutts (president@codpb.org.nz)
Parades Enquiries: Arnold Wouters | Secretary (secretary@codpb.org.nz)
Tartan: Gordon
The City of Dunedin Pipe Band is a competitive pipe band, based in Dunedin, New Zealand. The band is led by Pipe Major Murray Tannock and Drum Sergeant Sam Coutts. The band wears the Gordon Tartan. The band regularly performs at all home games for the Otago Highlanders Super Rugby franchise at Forsyth Barr Stadium and graduation parades for the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic.
History of the band
The City of Dunedin Pipe Band was formed in 1898, and is the second oldest band in the southern hemisphere drawing its membership from right around the greater Dunedin area, as well as throughout Otago. Former Pipe-Majors include Brian Switalla (World Champion with Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band) and Geoff Hallberg (current member of the Canterbury Caledonian Society Pipe Band, the 2012&2013 NZ Champion Grade one band). The band also has had several high-profile members who have succeeded on the international solo stage, including Greg Wilson (a member of the City of Dunedin Boy’s Band), Richard Hawke and Airdrie Stewart.
The band is currently rebuilding from a sound base.