Contact Person: Delysse Glynn
Position/title: Secretary
Postal Address: Please use email 🙂
Phone: (+64) 21 869 813
Email: cityofaucklandpipeband@gmail.com
Website: http://www.cityofaucklandpipeband.org
Month of AGM: September
Band Practices: 7:30pm Thursdays at Mt Albert Grammer School, Alberton Rd, Mt Albert, finishing at 9:30pm. We practice in D block, the tech block. Email us for a map of the school.
Piping Enquiries: Robert Halliday
Drumming Enquiries Nic Norris
Parades Enquiries: We are available for your upcoming parade or concert now! Visit our website for further details to make a booking.
Tartan: McNeil of Barra
The City of Auckland Pipe Band proudly represents the largest city in New Zealand.
Formed in 1942, the band recently celebrated their 75th anniversary in 2017 with a concert, ceilidh, supper, and the production of a booklet featuring tunes composed by talented members of the band.
The band wears MacNeil of Barra tartan and in 1984, was one of the first bands in New Zealand to replace the traditional military pipe band uniform (No 1’s) with modern cutback dress jackets, glengarry caps, long socks and brogues as worn by all bands today.