Contact Person: Clare Fraser
Position/title: Secretary/Treasurer
Mobile: (+64) 21 217 3688 (+64) 3 3830074
Email: clare.fraser@xtra.co.nz
Website: Facebook
Month of AGM: March
Band Practices: Tuesday evening 7.30pm 5 Michelle Road, Wigram, Christchurch
Piping Enquiries: Barry Rendell, (+64) 3 924 7079
Drumming Enquiries: Secretary
Parades Enquiries: Secretary
Tartan: Royal Stewart
Musical Director: Liz Drury. An A Grade solo piper and piping tutor. Liz has a special affinity for teaching the young and the young at heart. She has played in all 3 of our Bands over the years and continues to be a very valuable member of our Society.
Leading Side: Maxwell Robertson: Max is a young, up and coming leading side, maintaining his position as LS in Grade 4 also enables him to play up in our Grade 1 Band. He is in his 2nd year at Uni of Canterbury.
Drum Major: Wendy Chisholm: Wendy has taken up the Staff this year as a new challenge and as our previous Drum Major had an unavoidable commitment. Wendy has been a Cale member for many years and has played as a piper in several of the Bands.
The Canterbury Caledonian Society has several activity groups under its guardianship. The Grade 4 Pipe Band is one of 3 of the bands under that umbrella.
The Grade 4 Band is made up of many youthful participants, just starting out in their pipe band careers and those who prefer to stay within the band movement without the pressure of competing at a higher level.
Players are mentored up through the bands in order to help them reach their potential. We also have a number of members who play for the enjoyment rather than the full competitiveness – these players also mentor and tutor the younger players, this gives us our future in keeping the Pipe Band movement strong. This is a very family friendly Band.