Contact Person: Clare Fraser
Position/title: Secretary/Treasurer
Mobile: (+64) 21 217 3688, (+64) 3 3830074
Email: clare.fraser@xtra.co.nz
Website: Facebook
Month of AGM: March
Band Practices: Tuesday evening 7.30pm 5 Michelle Road, Wigram, Christchurch
Piping Enquiries: Secretary
Drumming Enquiries: Secretary
Parades Enquiries: Secretary
Tartan: Royal Stewart
Musical Director: Harrison Allen; An accomplished solo and band piper, Harrison is a leading example of the mentoring system: having started as a young lad in Grade 4 and progressed up thru the grades to Grade 1 before accepting the position to lead Grade 3.
The Canterbury Caledonian Society has several activity groups under its guardianship. The Grade 3 Pipe Band is one of 3 of the bands under that umbrella.
The Grade 3 band is made up of a group of young enthusiastic members with a few old heads thrown in to keep the balance. They are 100% home grown, all from within the Canterbury region. They actively take part in the mentoring both drummer and pipers from the Grade 4 and Juvenile to improve their skill levels in order to move up through the bands and to help them reach their potential.