Contact Person: Grant Marshall
Position/title: President
Phone: (+64) 3 418 2707
Email: balcluthapb@hotmail.com
Month of AGM July
Band Practices: Balclutha Pipe Band Hall, Glasgow Street, Balclutha. Monday 7.00 – 9.00pm
Piping Enquiries Malcolm Wilson (+64) 27 418 4194
Drumming Enquiries Brian Clarkson (+64) 3 974 8256
Parades Enquiries Graham Powell
Tartan: McLeod of Harris
The town of Balclutha of around 5,000 inhabitants is situated in rural South Otago beside the Clutha River, known for its iconic concrete 6 hooped bridge which links both side of the town.
Formed in 1919 with 5 Pipers that year. In 1922 it had grown to 12 playing members, many of whom had retired from army service. Balclutha Pipe Band is celebrated their centenary in 2019.
The original chairman was local businessman, John Gold, and many of his descendants went on to become playing members. Ian Gold who was also pipe major at the time used to get the younger, fitter pipers to blow in a new hard reed – which he then took possession of once it had become easier!
There are multiple generations that have provided players into the band.
Many former players are now spread throughout other bands in New Zealand
2014 saw Balclutha combine with Dunedin players, and under the musical direction of Ben and Jeremy McLaughlin, field a band of 19 pipers, 5 tenors and 4 snare to perform well enough to promoted to a higher grade.
The current Pipe Major Malcolm Wilson has played in several top-grade Bands here and has also had overseas experience.
The current Drum Major is Graham Powell (who can be seen wearing McLeod tartan trews) ex British Army.